With the understanding of entertainment from past till now, we believe that being creative calls for a special eye. Recognizable within the crowd, unique, our agency is a pioneer of timeless ideas that make a difference.
Brands are like people. They have character, style, and an individual approach. When defining Munera Event in three words, we see it as elegant, ambitious and a trendsetter. It is for this reason, we have a passion for working with brands that do not hesitate to make a statement, seek brilliance, and put quality first.
Munera Event has created and continues to create timeless experiences for their collaborators. If you want to create new stories for you brand, let’s do something together
Yasemin Çırakoğlu Turgut | Kurucu
Organization, it’s in her DNA!
Since her youth, Yasemin has had a calling and passion for organization. Although she studied
Landscape Architecture at Ege University, her deepest interest lied in event industry. During her
university years she worked at an event agency and specializing in this field remained her
foremost priority after graduating. To further her knowledge she attended various workshops. She
studied art history, design and creativity at the Università degli Studi di Sassari in Italy and HAS
Hogeschool in the Netherlands. Vodafone, 3M, PepsiCo, Loreal, Merck Serono, VaillantDemirdöküm, ÇimSA, BriSA, Hayat Kimya, Goodyear, Dimes, Coca Cola, Novartis, Eczacıbaşı,
Fakir, Ytong, Bosch-Siemens, GSK, Ülker, Estee Lauder, Philip Morris are amongst the many
companies she has collaborated with.
Continuously working with love, she always raised the bar and eventually created her own brand,
Munera Event. On her journey, Yasemin took every challenge as an opportunity for growth, and
with each step her experience in the field grew exponentially. Now, together with her
collaborators, she continues to bring to life the projects that will leave their mark.

Job Opportunities
Do you want to
join us?
We believe the power of creativity. We’d love to work together. Feel free apply to full time, part time or freelance opportunities!
Contact us